anne monroe

Anne Monroe, Ph.D.

Vice President, Partner Development

Dr. Anne Monroe oversees outreach and scaling initiatives to expand Ed Advancement’s institutional engagement and portfolio of solutions.  

Anne brings over 25 years of expertise in higher education enrollment management and student success. She has consulted with over 100 colleges and universities in enrollment management, student success and financial aid strategies. Prior to joining Ed Advancement, she was the Chief of Strategic Enrollment Management at the Alamo Colleges District (ACD) and led the cross-college and district teams in district-wide strategic enrollment management efforts, achieving record enrollment in 2023 and 2024. Dr. Monroe’s other previous roles include Senior Vice President of Client Experience and Engagement at Ruffalo Noel Levitz (RNL), Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs at The H. Lavity Stoutt Community College in the British Virgin Islands, and Dean for Student Services at Northwestern Michigan College.    

Dr. Monroe has taught part-time for over 15 years, most recently in the graduate educational leadership program at National University. Anne earned her Ph.D. from Michigan State University in Higher, Adult and Lifelong Education.